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路透社大楼(The Reuters Building)(一)

2008-04-21 09:49    【  【打印】【我要纠错】


  The Reuters Building at 3 Times Square is an armature for signage in a neighborhood ruled by a "survival of the loudest" visual aesthetic, with a surprisingly peaceful interior at its core. The building is wrapped at its glass-lobby base in video monitors. From the ninth to the 23rd floor, the wedge-corner element is a giant LED sign, which transmits news of the moment, the Reuters Index. Massing is heavy at the base, where the signage is the most prominent. Signs inside the lobby function as a connector to the immediate physical context and an invitation to people on the street, where there is a pattern of movement that takes the eye to the building‘s top.
  Along the north side of 42nd Street, new, intimately scaled low-rise retail volumes maintain the remarkably well preserved street wall containing the New Victory and Times Square theaters. These volumes are completed with characteristic signage and a highly articulated architectural expression in stone and terra cotta,
  reinterpreting nostalgic motifs of the old Times Square. At the corner, a seven-story drum-shaped structure pulls the street wall around the corner toward the north. As its curvilinear facade conjoins with the building, it forms a space that draws the sidewalk in and forms a three-story mid-block lobby. On the northeast corner, a 20-story stone-clad mass rises from the street with a scale and stature appropriate in the context of the Paramount building further to the north, and 1 Times Square to the east. This exposure has a strong Reuters presence from the street to the building‘s top.
  This building was designed with an eye toward the views people would have of it from various distances and angles. There is an episodic and dynamic quality about the differing facades, which is particularly appropriate to Times Square. A key aspect of this project is the transformative sequence between public and private. The entrance lobby evolves from the void created between figural masses and the suspended tower above,
  permitting the busy sidewalk to enliven the lobby through an all-glass wall. As one steps through the security system toward the rear of the lobby, there is a four-sided proscenium of light that transitions the ambience from Times Square cacophony to sedate elevator lobbies that appear to be carved from a solid marble building core. To ensure that the Times Square presence is never out of consciousness, the elevators glow with the energy of a concave illuminated glass wall set within a partially mirrored stainless steel enclosure.
  The Reuters Building features a covered entrance and connecting stair to the Times Square subway system. A projecting canopy announces the entry with an animated, illuminated subway sign. Designed for maximum visibility within this busy neighborhood, the nine transit lines that converge beneath Times Square are identified at street level by an armature combining wayfinding with the neon vernacular of the area.

延伸阅读:路透社 大楼 The Reuters
  • 特色班
  • 精品班
  • 实验班
  • 定制班
  • 移动班
